Posts Tagged ‘diseases’

Now we get started with our new aquarium

August 2, 2008

Now we get started with our new aquarium by Niki Buchen.

Info and tips for a new aquarium.

This time we will start with an aquarium, which mean we have choosen a good place without direct sun ray. This important because it prevents from cleaning your front screen nearly every third day. Well we have now a nice aquarium bought and even water in the aquarium. Here we have the next question which fish do we want to have in this aquarium? This question is necessary because fish is not like fish which means each kind of fish needs his own enviroment and water chemie. For example if you want to take care of Discus or Scalar you will have to get a soft water and stones with lime are absolute forbitten because they make the water hart. On the other hand many chichlids like hart water. Don´t miss understand me your Discus fish will not die if you put him in hart water but he will feel unconfortable and if you want some Discus babies it will work much better in soft water. If your fish get babies it is an indicator that you make things right. So I decide for now we will start with a soft water aquarium. Same rules as for the stones is for the sand. Use only sand which give no carbon to the water – ask for it. It also helps if you have moorkien roots in the water.  This wood gives the water a braun color just like it is in nature where Discus lives. The humin acid in the wood is good for the Discus and helps against bacteria. Some flower can also be in the aquarium like Echinodorus or Vallisneria. Flower itsselve help very much to keep the water fish friendly. And by the way if they grow good it looks nice. Discus and Scalar like to stand under roots if they are scared. So why do you not put some bambus sticks in the aquarium? You will see the Discus fish and Scalar will like it. There should be a free place for swimming and some place for flowers, wood roots and bambus sticks. The water circulation should not be to fast and you should buy a filter who transports double as much water as your aquarium has.  If it is too much circulation you can choke it a little bit but if it is not enough you have to buy a new one. Normaly you should wait minimum 2 weeks till you can put some fish in your aquarium but you can speed it up if you buy a bacteria starter kit or if you ask someone who has a good running aquarium if he can give you a little bit of his filter material but be careful that you dont take some diseases or snails with you to your fresh aquarium. It will be frustrating if you give your new fish in your aquarium and the first thing you have to do is to cure them. But if all is fine you can put after a few days some fish in your aquarium. Don´t put all your “wishes” at once in your aquarium but rather step by step one fish group by the other one and check if the new fish do well. Next time we will talk about which fish you can put to which fish.

Greetings, Niki Buchen